
Welcome! I’m Emily.

Thank you for considering me as a speaker for your next event!

I’ve been sharing God’s Word with women for over twenty years, and it’s one of my favorite things to do. Whether it’s a crowd of hundreds or an intimate gathering of a few, something amazing happens when women come together to sit at the feet of Jesus.

But, let’s be honest. Planning a women’s event is hard work. You have a million details to work through, and choosing a speaker is just one of them. Let me help by telling you exactly what you can expect from me when I come to your event:

    • Your ladies will hear God’s word. My messages are Bible-based and Christ-centered. Always.
    • Your ladies will be called to action. Inspiration without action is pointless. Your ladies will leave with practical next steps to respond to God’s Word.
    • You will not be stressed out. Okay, I can’t promise that you won’t run out of coffee or that the fire alarm won’t go off (yes, it’s happened!), but I can promise I won’t be the source of your stress. I teach teenagers five days a week. I can roll with almost anything, y’all.

    Sound good? Contact me directly

What others are saying

Emily Ryan is an engaging and excellent speaker. Her love for God’s Word, wisdom, and ability to authentically communicate and connect with women of all ages makes her a beautiful, powerful tool for God’s purposes. Combine all of that with Emily’s glorious sense of humor, and you have an unforgettable speaker and (even better) an exceptional and encouraging event for the women in your church and community.

Laurie Cole

Priority Ministries

Emily’s teaching and writings have touched my life in remarkable ways. She is down-to-earth and kind-hearted. Her lessons are filled with relevant analogies which enlighten women to be proud of themselves, no matter which stage of life they are in.

Amanda S.

Conference attendee

Emily Ryan is a woman sent from God as a blessing to all who are touched by her life.  Her writing, speaking and creativity are second to none.  I have been her pastor for over thirty years and have witnessed God use her not only on the platform but also in every area of her spirit-filled life.  Those who are touched by her ministry will be encouraged to be more like Jesus.

Dr. John D. Morgan

Founding Pastor, Sagemont Church

Watch and Listen


Most of my messages begin as a result of my personal time with God in His Word. The rest begin when someone like you – a ministry leader, event planner, and sister-in-Christ – comes to me with a verse, question, or theme for an event in the making. As you pray and plan, here are a few of my favorite topics for you to consider. Together, we’ll create a customized experience for your audience.

Stand Firm

How do you react when you face a storm? The Bible is clear that the real war is invisible, not visible; spiritual, not physical. We can’t see into the supernatural dimension, so what does it look like in this dimension when we’re standing firm in that one?


Open My Eyes

In this deep-dive into Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians in chapter 1:18-19, we’ll explore the hope of His calling, the riches of His glory, and the greatness of His power. Our journey will teach us what it means and how to pray that the eyes of our heart may be enlightened.


Friends and Frenemies

God created women to be relational, so it’s natural that your heart connects with the idea of friendship, especially with the idea of a BFF – a best friend forever. But what if a best friend forever could become a biblical friend forever? What does biblical friendship look like, and how can you become a true BFF?


Rooted in the Word

You want to become rooted in the Word of God, but your “want to” does not always translate into “how to.” You don’t know where to start or where to go, and the desire to read the Bible in a realistic way seems just out of reach. Find out why being rooted in the Word can be ineffective and unproductive, and discover an alternate solution instead.

Keynote, Breakout

Radical Refuge

Do you ever feel like running away? From the past? From the future? From the blasted NOW of it all? You are not alone, my friend. Your deep, soul-centered longing for refuge is one that needs to be nourished, not ignored. Together we’ll follow the plight of the Israelites from the weight of their everyday demands to the freedom they found in the shelter of the Promised Land and discover our own Radical Refuge.


Be Filled

Is it truly possible to overflow with hope? Are joy and peace real or figments of our naive imagination? In this lesson based on Romans 15:13, we’ll discuss the difference between hope and optimism, and we’ll explore the process, potential, and power of being filled with the hope of Christ.

Keynote, Breakout

Pink Armor

It seems contradictory that women are supposed to have “gentle and quiet spirits” while “fighting the good fight.” So when the purity of femininity blends with the passion of godliness, it seems only natural to wonder, “Does the armor of God come in pink?” Thankfully, when Paul introduced the armor of God in Ephesians, he spoke our native language of accessories, and exploring these holy accessories in detail is like spiritual boot camp…for those of us who wear heels!




How can God use something that hurts so much? Does the heartache of tragedy ever end? If not, how do we process it? By using highlights from her personal testimony, Emily shares how God’s promises have been fulfilled during her thirty-year journey with grief. Discover how the “God of all comfort” can comfort you as well.

Keynote, Multi-Session, Breakout

Dare to Delight

Is it okay to pursue fun as a believer? Is so, what role does fun play in our spiritual life? In spiritual warfare? In the Great Commission? In this light-hearted and interactive message, we’ll learn how to have fun, enjoy God, and worship with wonder.


Keynote, Multi-Session, Breakout


The life you have is not always the life you expected. Where do we turn and what do we do when our life gets hijacked? By exploring the story of Jephthah’s daughter in Judges 11, you’ll learn how to hold steady when our world gets rocked.

Keynote, Multi-Session

Guilt-Free Quiet Times

When it comes to your quiet time, it’s time to say no to someone else’s rules or magic formulas that work perfectly for him or her but only create chaos and guilt in your own life. With the perfect blend of sarcasm and Scripture, Emily exposes the most common myths about traditional quiet times and gives you the freedom you need to chase after God in your own unique way.


Keynote, Multi-Session, Breakout

Holy Nostalgia

It doesn’t matter how many miracles we witness or how many blessings God pours into our lives, we will always struggle with spiritual amnesia, just like the children of Israel did. Thankfully, God put into place very specific tools and tips to help His people remember Him, and many of them are the very things we’re already doing. Could it be that the secret to remembering God is not found in modifying our actions but in renewing our minds?

Keynote, Christmas

In Those Days

We know Jesus’s birth is special because of what happened and how it happened, but have you ever wondered if there is anything significant about when it happened? And if there is, what can it teach us now, 2000 years later? What can the timing of then teach us about the timing of now?


Keynote, Christmas

Draw Near Through Christmas

Mary and Joseph. The shepherds and the wise men. Anna and Simeon. The ways in which each of these duos responded and reacted to the first Christmas provides a roadmap for us as we draw near to Christ. 

Keynote, Christmas

Once Upon a Christmas

For the most part, the stereotype is true: Men are thinkers. Women are feelers. And ladies, we can feel big, can’t we? As we go through the familiar Christmas story, we’ll explore what we might learn if we could sit down with Mary and get her first-person point-of-view of the very first Christmas. In order to discover what Mary knew, we’ll first ask, Mary, how did you feel?


Keynote, Christmas

Elizabeth's Thunder

Have you ever had someone steal your thunder? You know, upstage you? Steal your spotlight? Rain on your parade? When we think of Christmas, we always consider Mary’s miraculous pregnancy and the struggles, blessings and drama that surrounded the birth of Jesus. But we forget that Elizabeth also experienced a miraculous pregnancy, and we never consider what the news of Jesus’ birth was like from the outside looking in. How did Elizabeth react when the spotlight shifted from her great news to Mary’s, and how should you react when someone steals your thunder?

Keynote, Christmas

Check my availability

Thank you for your interest in having me speak to your group! I’m grateful and humbled that you would consider me. Use this form to start a conversation about your event, and I will get back with you shortly. I’m looking forward to the possibility of serving alongside you!

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