The aftermath of one-on-one time

With four kids, I rarely get to spend time with just one child at a time, and now that my oldest, Gideon, is in first grade, those times are even more rare. So when his school asked for chaperones for their field trip to the zoo a few weeks ago,  I was thrilled to be able to volunteer.


We spent the morning with his classmates exploring the bat caves, the reptile room and the other typical zoo animals, and then we all had a picnic lunch by the pond. When the bus arrived to bring the kids back to school, we had the option to withdraw our kids from class right then and there, so they didn’t even have to return to school on the bus.

I jumped at the opportunity to spend some extra time with Gideon. We had the whole afternoon ahead of us and all of Hermann Park at our disposal. It was freezing that day, but we didn’t care. First, we bought tickets for the train that surrounds the park and were two of only four people to take the 20-minute ride. The wind was brutal, but it just meant my little boy was more willing than usual to cuddle with his mom, so I didn’t mind one bit.

After than, we rented a bicycle and somehow made it work even though it was too big for him to ride by himself. We played hide-and-seek. We explored the art in the park. I showed him the Japanese Gardens where I took my bridal portraits ten years ago. We got hot chocolate and coffee, chased birds and played on the playground. It ended up being one of my favorite days ever.

I’ve always known that one-on-one time is important, especially when you have a lot of children, but ever since that day at the park, I’ve seen first-hand the positive aftermath of one-on-one time. Since our day together, I’ve noticed that Gideon’s mood has been better. His hugs have been longer. His room has been cleaner. And we have talked and laughed more over the last few weeks than we have in a long time.

It’s not always easy to get away with your child. It takes planning, rearranging, and sometimes sacrifice to make those moments happen. But when you do, you will experience blessings from your efforts that will far out-last the moment itself.

And of course, I couldn’t help but make the correlation to how much my relationship with God benefits from those special one-on-one moments as well.

EmilySig Let’s Talk: When was the last time you spent one-on-one time with someone special?


  1. Debbie

    Yes!!!! It was very difficult for me as well as I had NO family around to help offset times for one on ones. BUT it sure is something I’m really trying hard to work at, (they all the schedules), of one on ones with our grand kids. Had some really sweet, precious & loving times this past summer & can’t wait for school to be out again. You’re right….once they start school it really cuts into “””any””” time much less one on one. But & you’re right as well about the effort definitely being worth it. (;-0).
    I’m sending you an article my daughter, D, put on FB. It just puts it all together & brought tears to my eyes as I’m already there lots of times. Hope you can get it. It’s worth the read
    Stay warm & happy day to you & all.

  2. Debra

    I think that is why homediscipling is so important to me, I have one on one time with each of our five children every day, to keep their hearts in tune with God. From the first little lunch dates with our first three year old, to the Daddy dinner cruise with our teen daughter in a gown. To be able to help them, hear their hearts, and keep the attitudes in check while working on everything from phonics to algebra gives me every day opportunities to hide the Word in their heart. I thank the Lord for giving me the opportunity to impact their lives this way. I remember when I first started, I thought I’d try it for a year…20 years later I say, yes, I’d do it again! Was it easy? No, was it worth it, absolutely. As we have shared what God has done in our lives, we have watched it ‘go viral’ in every neighbor we have ever met from the hard core “no, I could never do that” to the ‘isn’t that just a bit weird’ (which truthfully is what I thought as I loved school and couldn’t wait for my kids to have that as well), we’ve heard it all till they try it themselves, and ‘catch the vision’. Little things make such a big difference. e.g. We wanted our kids to know about the responsibility to vote in a free country, so we had taught that in our co-op, that turned into helping on a senate race, then a congressional, and then helping our kids Daddy run for office and win! Who knew! God did that’s who, and it’s been an amazing ride. Isiaih 58 was my guide, He will make you like a watered garden…and you will rebuild the old paths, and be called the restorer of paths to dwell in. We need a few more rebuilding the wall…

  3. Misty

    Love this SO much.


  1. A Pinterest list for the Christian Mom | Glo-Girl | Christian Womens Blog Glo-Girl | Christian Womens Blog - […] (also Read Emily’s post about the aftermath of one on one time HERE) […]


  1. Debbie

    Yes!!!! It was very difficult for me as well as I had NO family around to help offset times for one on ones. BUT it sure is something I’m really trying hard to work at, (they all the schedules), of one on ones with our grand kids. Had some really sweet, precious & loving times this past summer & can’t wait for school to be out again. You’re right….once they start school it really cuts into “””any””” time much less one on one. But & you’re right as well about the effort definitely being worth it. (;-0).
    I’m sending you an article my daughter, D, put on FB. It just puts it all together & brought tears to my eyes as I’m already there lots of times. Hope you can get it. It’s worth the read
    Stay warm & happy day to you & all.

  2. Debra

    I think that is why homediscipling is so important to me, I have one on one time with each of our five children every day, to keep their hearts in tune with God. From the first little lunch dates with our first three year old, to the Daddy dinner cruise with our teen daughter in a gown. To be able to help them, hear their hearts, and keep the attitudes in check while working on everything from phonics to algebra gives me every day opportunities to hide the Word in their heart. I thank the Lord for giving me the opportunity to impact their lives this way. I remember when I first started, I thought I’d try it for a year…20 years later I say, yes, I’d do it again! Was it easy? No, was it worth it, absolutely. As we have shared what God has done in our lives, we have watched it ‘go viral’ in every neighbor we have ever met from the hard core “no, I could never do that” to the ‘isn’t that just a bit weird’ (which truthfully is what I thought as I loved school and couldn’t wait for my kids to have that as well), we’ve heard it all till they try it themselves, and ‘catch the vision’. Little things make such a big difference. e.g. We wanted our kids to know about the responsibility to vote in a free country, so we had taught that in our co-op, that turned into helping on a senate race, then a congressional, and then helping our kids Daddy run for office and win! Who knew! God did that’s who, and it’s been an amazing ride. Isiaih 58 was my guide, He will make you like a watered garden…and you will rebuild the old paths, and be called the restorer of paths to dwell in. We need a few more rebuilding the wall…

  3. Misty

    Love this SO much.


  1. A Pinterest list for the Christian Mom | Glo-Girl | Christian Womens Blog Glo-Girl | Christian Womens Blog - […] (also Read Emily’s post about the aftermath of one on one time HERE) […]