It really doesn’t matter how old or young you are. You still want to look fabulous. You want to drop or gain a few (or a lot of) pounds. You wish your hair was straighter or curlier or darker or lighter. If your eyes were a different color, that would be great. And your closet – well, you’re not saying you need a complete closet makeover, but… well, yeah, you are saying that.
Am I right?
I stumbled upon this video the other day, and it really spoke to me. Which was odd, since the song is in French and my understanding of Francais is un peu. But it still struck a nerve, nonetheless. You’ll see why:
I’ll admit, the lyrics don’t give us the most biblically-based message, since the singer suggests we find our worth in self rather than in Christ, but at least we agree on where NOT to find our worth – and that’s in the world’s definition of beauty.
Might I suggest an alternate definition of beauty instead?
English translation of the chorus:
Which do I choose?
Why do I choose it?
Who’s making me choose it?
I’m not their product
As for beauty and preciousness,
They can’t change me
Matchless, without equal,
The new perfume is myself.
The new perfume is me.
New perfume